Friday, September 08, 2006

My big jump to the bandwagon

Okay, so the title is a little crude, but it's the truth. I'm figuring out this whole thing, not sure why I'm even remotely interested in joining, but I figure it's time I punch my card to be a trendy member of the 21st century and begin blogging my butt off.
This will hopefully be a glimpse into the life of our family, filtered through my mind. My husband John, our little man Lincoln (affectionately referred to as Linc), and our two cats Tweedles Dee and Dum (Mikey and Maggie).
A little about me: recently I'm into my new gym membership, (took a hip hop class today and felt like such a coolie), making Lincoln laugh at all costs (let's just say I'm glad no one else sees me and he's too young to remember how ridiculous I look) and getting a shower when I have time.
Right now Linc is snoozing, and I should be, but I'm off to strap on my pretty Donna Reed apron (over my sweat pants and t-shirt...yes I said sweat's horrid I know, those "what not to wear" goons would shudder) and make a yummy shepherd's pie for dinner.
Speaking of Shepherd's Pie, what an awful name for an entree, we should nominate some new names for that one...feel free to comment.

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